Mat Marrash

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The 52 Project, Week 14: Old People in the Park

So the great photo catchup begins.

This project is starting to change me, I can feel it. Prior to the onset of this unforeseen commitment, I spent at least three hours on the computer daily. Now? I’m getting sunlight, exercise, and am even meeting new people. This project most assuredly will be the death of me. x__x

Anywho, this week whilst not being at the computer, I went to the park to stalk senior citizens. It’s nearly as fun as it is creepy.

As soon as I hit 50, shuffleboard's my game!

Scan 1: Waiting on Their Turn

Heading out to Riverside Park in Findlay, OH on a late summer afternoon, the last thing I expected to see was a group of senior citizens enjoying a lively game of shuffleboard. Before this day, I thought shuffleboard was limited to senior centers and discount cruises; the more you know...



The game was intense, but no smack-talk.


Scan 2: Still Waiting...

This game requires quite a lot of patience. It's kind of like corn-hole's great great great grandfather. They were even keeping score on a chalkboard. Very awesome.



She backsteps, she shoots...



Scan 3: The Deciding Shot!

About as much action as one would expect from this game, but it was still a lot of fun to watch (and set up cool shots).



At least some people can appreciate nature.



Scan 4: Subtle Stroll through the Park

After a rousing few matches, I followed one of the not previously pictured couples around the park for a shot with a little more "awww" appeal. Success?




Before we skip right to the week's analysis, a little about the film used this week. It was all good 'ole Tri-X 400. Nice silvery skin tones, a pleasant brightness curve, and classic film grain. Minus a slight bump to the blacks, these scans are fresh off the Epson V700. For future info about the scans, all you have to do is click the photo, and you'll instantly be taken to the shot's Flickr location, where you'll find another brief description, what film the shot was taken on, and what shutter speed and aperture was used to make the photo. If you should find yourself lost in Flickr and wish to make your way back here, each photo description contains a link back to its corresponding article.


Something Good: The senior citizens being photographed were good sports. When shooting more than one or two frames of an interesting subject, I’ll ask the subject. Luckily enough, they agreed, so long as I didn’t interrupt their game. Old folks take shuffle board about as seriously as most men do the Superbowl.

Something Bad: I only got there to capture the last two matches for the day. Also, I forgot to ask them when they were playing next. >__<
Something Learned:
I need to learn when to and not to make use of back-lighting. I the above situation, the results were overall okay. Black and white negative film is at the top of the dynamic range scale, so long as your metering is spot on.

Next Week: A sucker-punch of color to the face! I try out the sorta-new Kodak Ektar 100. Believe the hype, and then some!