Posts in Photography
Clear Fork Gorge - Mohican

One of the main reasons I started this Ohio Uninterrupted project was to discover landscapes that I wouldn't have otherwise visited in Ohio. At a surface level Ohio doesn't look like much, but there's a subtle beauty to its landscape. Each new state nature preserve has it's own unique features and quirks, and hopefully worth a few good sheets of film. Today's featured SNP absolutely blew me away, so much so that I didn't even make it to the official preserve site! 

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Boch Hollow - Robinson Falls

No matter how many places I visit in Ohio, I'm always drawn back to the stunning views in Hocking Hills. After three years of intense study in the area and well over 100 separate visits, there's always something interesting to find. For today's state nature preserve, I'm revisiting Boch Hollow...sort of. This portion of the SNP is permit-only, and is a one of the more controversial preserves in the state. Come along with me as I explore the short, yet sweet Robinson Falls.

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Rocky Fork Gorge - Miller Nature Sanctuary

Over the course of Ohio Uninterrupted, I've talked about many of the physical features that make Ohio's state nature preserves  Flowing waterfalls, dynamic rock formations, and exotic plants are all things that come to mind. What I experienced during my visit to Rocky Fork Gorge was a little less objective; there was a sense of wonder present. From the parking lot to the winding trails and back, this little slice of Appalachia had me in awe.  

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