Shooting kids, more fun than you'd expect...

Cliche, yes, but moms go ape over it. Logging into Facebook a few weeks ago, I was surprised to find a request from a high school friend.

"Hey! How are you old friend?! How are things going? Well by reading your info I guess you're a pretty damn good photographer, so you're definitely the man the job!"

0_0 Oh no, this was not going to bode well.

Well, it turned out it wasn't so bad. She was a new mom looking for some simple documentation of the newest edition to the family. So how was I going to shoot this? Would I bring the whole mobile studio and overshoot this poor little girl, or would I use a little photojournalistic style? The latter, hands down.

I learned a few things shooting a four-month old:

  • Take a standard portrait. Sure you hate it, but most relatives require it. 
  • Be patient and move away from the camera and regain baby's attention.
  • Mom doesn't want to see herself, no matter how much you need her to hold her baby for that perfect pose.
  • Use a telephoto! Those big blue baby eyes are big enough without wide angle. 
  • Baby looking at the camera is great, but baby discovering the world around him/her...better!

Little Claire discovering dandelions for the first time.Wrapping up this baby shooting experience:

Was it fun? Yes.

Babies aren't picky models or fat businessmen who want to look 25 and skinny, they're babies. If you want to give a baby motivation, play peekabo with your SLR or tug at your cheeks.

Would I work with kids again? Maybe.

I got really lucky with a great set of clients, especially considering this was the first real kid shoot I've done.

If nothing else, this shoot has given me great respect for those that do this day in and day out.
