Northeast Ohio Meetup, May 11th - 13th

As the Spring weather warms up and the days grow longer, photographers in the temperate Northern Nemisphere begin to come out of their hibernation. Soon after, large groups of these odd creatures will meetup at random places all across the continent, to get together and share their knowledge of photography. Often times, they're share their previous year's trappings, demonstrate learned, successful techniques, and take many pictures of each other; a strange phenomenon, indeed.

The elder and tribal leader (left) is often seen asserting his dominance by use of a much larger 7x17 camera. Fascinating!

One of these peculiar meetings of photographers takes place this weekend, May 11th - 13th in Bath, OH. Be forewarned, though, this is no ordinary group of shutterbugs. Most of them shoot film, have crazy large cameras, and have work worthy of museum collection. Should you wish to witness some of this madness and more, look ahead at their forum posts on APUG. As a recent inductee into this nomadic flock of photographers, I'll be demonstrating a technique that's been popular with me this past year, Carbon Printing. This demo is completely free, inquire to the above link for details.

Stay tuned, as images and maybe even some video from this meeting of photographers will be making their way onto this blog soon.
