My First Roll of Kodak Gold 200 in Medium Format
Photography, ReviewsMat MarrashMat Marrash Photographykodak, kodak gold, mediu format, fujifilm, g617, 6x17, c-41, c41, color negative, color film, landscape, landscape photography, hocking hills, waterfall, tariq tarey, studio, midwest, midwest photo exchange, midwest photo, mpex, columbus
The 52 Project, Week 32: Hasselroids & Polablads
52 Project, PhotographyMat Marrash500C, film photography, fp 100c, fujifilm, hasselblad, instant film, pack film, peel apart film, polaroid, square format
The 52 Project, Week 10: My Big Fat Jewish Wedding
52 Project, PhotographyMat Marrash120, 6x6, film, fuji pro, fujifilm, hasselblad, jewish wedding, medium format, wedding photography
The 52 Project, Week 4&5: Wedding Edition
52 Project, PhotographyMat Marrash500C, 52 project, OH, findlay ohio, fujifilm, hasselblad, katie and tomas, professional photographer, the 52 project, wedding, wedding photography, week 4